WAP to delete particular data from the Linear Array.

# include<stdio.h>

# define s 20

char employ[s][s];
int delete_array(char employ[s][s], int, int, char *);
void input(char emply[s][s], int );
void display(char employ[s][s], int );

/* Definition of the function */

int delete_array(char employ[s][s], int number, int position, char element[])

int temp = position;
element = employ[position];
printf("\n Information which we have to delete: %s", element);

while( temp <= number-1)
*employ [temp] = *employ[temp+1];
temp ++;
number = number - 1 ;

void input(char employ[s][s], int number)
int i;
for(i = 1; i<= number ; i++)
printf("\n Input value for: %d: ", i);

void display(char employ[s][s], int number)
int i;
for(i = 1; i<= number; i++)
printf("\n Value at the position: %d: %s", i, employ[i]);

/* main function */

void main()
int number;
int position;
char element[s];

printf("\n Input the number of elements in the array:");
scanf("%d", &number);
input(employ, number);
printf("\n Entered list is as follows:\n");

display(employ, number);
printf("\n Input the position from where you want delete an element:");
scanf("%d", &position);

number = delete_array(employ, number, position, element);
