Importance of C
Importance Of C Programming
As we know that as the time pass the popularity of C programming increased day by day,due to its some amazing qualities.It cointains many built in functions and operaters that can be used to create some complex programmes.It ias an robust language.More over the C compiler combines the facality of assembly language and a high-level language,therefore it is used to develop system software and business packages.The amazing thing about the C compiler is that it is also developed using C programming.C offers high portability,as the programmes which are written in one computer that can be run on other computer with no or some little modification.
Programmes written in C are more fast and effcient.This is due to variety of operators and different-different data types.There are only 32 keywords in ANSI C and and its strength lies in its built-in functions.Several standard functions ar available which are used to develop C programmes.C is well suited language for structured programming,so now user have to think about his problem in terms of blocks and functions and after combining all this blocks a full programme is created.Due to this the processes like debugging,testing and maintenance becomes easy.
Another feature of C is its ability to extend it self.A C programme is basically a collection of functions that supported by C library.We can continuously add functions to C library.With the availability of a large number of functions ,the programming becomes simple
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