History Of C
History Of "C"
'C' seems to be very strange word for programming.But the fact is that it is one ofthe mostly used programming language and prefered all over the world because it is a stractu-
red high-level machine independent language.It allows the sofware pogrammers to create
programmes without any worry about the hardware where the are to be implemented.So now the question arrise is that how the c programming language is created?For that we have to go some years back when the first programming language named "ALGOL" is established.ALGOL is announced in 1960 and was the first programming language that uses the blockstracture.So however ALGOL gave the concept of "Stractured Programming " to the world of computer science community.This concept is popularized by computer scientists like Carrdo Bohm , Guiseppe Jacopini and Edsger Dijkstra.After that many other programming language where announced.
The other popular language after ALGOL is "BPCL" which was developed by Martin
Richards in 1967.It is used for software programming.Ken Thompson used some features of the BPCL programming language and developed a new programming language named B.Bell laboratories used the B language to develop the earlier version of UNIX.BPCL and B both are "typeless" system programming language.Now it comes the turn of cC programming langage it is developed by Dennis Ritchie at bell laboratories in 1972.All the concepts of ALGOL,BPCL and B are surrounded in C.here one thing is that C is developed along with UNIX but this operating system mostly depend on C programming.
After this C language became famous over and over so to assure that the C language remains standerd,in 1983 American National Standards Institute(ANSI) apointed a techenical commitee to define a standard C.Atlast the version of C is approved in December 1989 which is known as ANSI C.It was then approved by ISO in 1990.This version of C is refered as C89.After that C++ underwent during 1990's with some new features.Due to this now the C is Improved to Object Oriented Language.Java the programming language which was completely dependent on C and C++ was developed during this time.
Somehow all this programming language get updated as the time arrives atlast in 1999 the latest version of C come forward refered as C99.The following figure illustrate the history of c.
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